On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Md. Mubassir Ahsan
<mubas...@daffodilvarsity.edu.bd> wrote:
> In my library, DSpace 1.8 is installed with tomcat 6 version.

That is a supported configuration [1]. You can try a different version
of Tomcat (e.g. a newer version of Tomcat 6, Tomcat 7 or another
servlet container like Jetty or Caucho Resin).

> I am having problem with tomcat 6 shutting down unexpectedly.

We'll need to see the relevant portion from your catalina.out from the
time of shutdown. You can also send the relevant part of dspace.log
from the time of shutdown.

> We are moving our server to a apache2 based server. How can i use Dspace
> with apache server system.

I think you're confusing two very different programs. Apache Tomcat is
a servlet container and DSpace requires a servlet container to run.
Apache HTTPD (which I must assume you mean by Apache 2.x) is a web
server and may be used in addition to a servlet container as a
front-end (e.g. to avoid running Tomcat as root, to speed up serving
static files, to host a Shibboleth Service Provider etc), however it's
not enough to have HTTPD without Tomcat.

> Is it possible to install DSpace with CPanel? If possible please explain.

This is a question for the cPanel support. However, a quick look on
their documentation shows it should be possible to install Tomcat via
cPanel [2], therefore running DSpace on it should be also possible.

[2] http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/EasyApache/Tomcat/


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