We had a similar problem due to "null" values in the database in some records... (Dspace 1.8) . The bulk import failed without any messge... We use a fragmentation aproach to identify which record(s) was causing the problem, just divide the csv into chunks... Fragment the csv into pieces to detect the exact row (an the original item). Once detected the problem we had to rewrite the item-update to cope with the null values.

saudações e boa sorte

Emilio Lorenzo

El 09/04/2014 14:11, Anisio Monteiro (IPEN/GDS-Informática) escribió:

Please, someone could help on a problem that I am having to import CSV files into dspace. The CSV file has over 4,000 lines and when I import via the command line, the dspace imports only 2,260 lines.
How do I fix this?

Thanks for the help!

Carlos ANISIO Monteiro <mca...@gmail.com <mailto:mca...@gmail.com>> <mca...@yahoo.com.br <mailto:mca...@yahoo.com.br>> <monte...@ipen.br <mailto:monte...@ipen.br>> IPEN/CNEN-SP - Av. Lineu Prestes, 2242 - Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, Brasil
CEP 05508-000 Tel.(55)(11) 3133-8876 LINUX USER # 364622

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