Hi all,

I added a thesis advisor field to our submission form (via 
/dspace/config/input-forms.xml, and mapping the new 'supervisor' field to 
dc.contributor.advisor).  However, I ran into some unintended side effects that 
I need some help with:

1.       The emails sent to collection subscribers now list both the advisor(s) 
AND the student in the "Author" field (with the advisor listed first).  How can 
I either:

a.       remove the advisor from the email, or

b.      update the email to show the advisor and author using separate field 

2.       In the item mapper search results view for the collection, if you do a 
search for the author's name of a thesis you want to map, the thesis is shown, 
but the advisor is listed in the Author column instead of the student.  Where 
do I change the table layout so that the Author column shows 
dc.contributor.author and not dc.contributor.advisor?

FYI, we are running DSpace 3.1 (XMLUI) on Linux.  Thanks in advance for any 


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