
I'm curious if anyone sets memory limits for DSpace's various cron jobs?

Lately we've been having Tomcat's java process get killed every morning
around the same time, and all dmesg shows is that "java" was killed by
the kernel's OOM killer.  Catalina logs don't show any "SEVERE" errors,
so I have to assume it's the cron jobs which are using up loads of
memory and then confusing the kernel, which then identifies Tomcat's
java as the memory hog and kills it.

So I'm just curious if anyone has had these kinds of problems, and
if/what they set their JAVA_OPTS to in crontab.

The long term plan of course is to move to a machine with more memory
(currently 4GB).


DSpace version is 3.1, OS is Ubuntu 12.04.

Alan Orth
"I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how
to use my telephone." -Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C++
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