This may be a bug. It's fairly obscure:

On Dspace 1.8.2. I added an eperson to a workflow pool, and when articles
appeared in that pool, I removed the eperson from the group. The eperson
could still see the articles in the pool, and accepted a task, then returned
it to the task pool. The item disappeared from the workflow, for any eperson
or group, even after I added that eperson back to the original workflow

Then I couldn't delete the eperson due to items being assigned to them
(though it appeared there weren't)

Solution was to look in logs for workflow_item_id, update the table so that
the item is assigned to you:

update workflowitem set owner = [your eperson id] where workflow_id =
update workflowitem set state = 2 where workflow_id = [workflow_item_id];

Then you can 'return to task pool' and it becomes visible.

Then to delete the eperson,
delete from tasklistitem where eperson_id = [eperson_id];

And you can delete the eperson from the XMLUI.

Hope that saves someone a bit of time.


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