
I'm using DSpace v4.1 with JSPUI.

I've been trying to make the terms that appear in the Discovery Search/Browse 
Facets case insensitive, i.e. after doing a search for "face", in the Subject 
Facet I was seeing both "Face Perception" and "Face perception" with different 
results behind each link - what I would like is for the term to only appear 
once (presumably with whatever case the first occurrence had) with all the 
relevant results appearing behind this single term in the Facet.

>From reading the documentation 
> it looks like all I needed to do was uncomment the following line from 

webui.browse.metadata.case-insensitive = true

- and then rebuild the Discovery Index with:

./dspace index-discovery -b

I've now done this, and the example I gave above has disappeared (hooray), but 
I'm still seeing occurrences of the same term with different cases in my Facets 
- e.g. I still see both "facial composite" and "Facial composite" with 
different items behind each link - I've checked some of these items, and, aside 
from the difference in case, the items all appear to have the term spelled the 
same and in the same metadata field (dc.subject).

For example, in my DSpace v4.1 DEV repository, http://dspace4.stir.ac.uk/:

- search for "Hancock", select "Hancock, Peter J B" from the top of the Authors 
Facet, and then, in the Subject Facet you should see both "facial composite" 
and "Facial composite" with a different set of results behind each link . . .

 - search for "Simpson", select "Simpson, Ian" from the top of the Authors 
facet, and then, in the Subject facet you should see both "Historical ecology" 
and "historical ecology", with a different set of results behind each link . . 

Is my understanding of how this should work correct? Have I missed any steps? 
Any reason why some terms with different cases have merged, but other haven't 
(e.g. in both the above examples it is the first letter that has the case 
difference, so perhaps the case insensitivity is ignoring the very first 

Any comments, pointers or general wisdom from the wise would be welcome :-)



Michael White 
eLearning Liaison and Development (eLD)
Information Services
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University of Stirling 
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Email: michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk 
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Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880

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