Hi Massimiliano/Anthony,

I'm just back from some extended leave and have come across your recent 
questions to dspace-tech on Embargoes, but I'm not sure that I saw any replies, 
so I thought I'd chip in with some comments in case they were helpful (to you 
or others). Note, we are using JSPUI so if you're using XMLUI I'm not sure how 
much of this is transferable/applicable. 

Firstly Anthony asked:
> - Is the lift date of an embargoed item displayed anywhere (either publicly 
> or as admin)?

At Stirling, the (initial) required embargo end date is entered alongside the 
basic metadata during workflow by our Repository Librarian into 
dc.rights.embargoterms (as defined via "embargo.field.terms" in dspace.cfg) - 
this value is then used by the system during ingest to set the required embargo 
period by using it to set the Start Date of the Anonymous READ permissions for 
each of the bitstreams in the Item to this date - so it is obviously possible 
to display this metadata field on the Simple Item View page via config as an 
indication of the initial embargo end date for all bitstreams . . .

However, this doesn't display the information at the point it is actually 
needed/relevant (i.e. alongside the files/bitstreams in the bitstream list), 
and it also didn't make sense if the Item has multiple files with different 
embargo statuses (e.g. we sometimes have a version of the full text file that 
must be embargoed alongside a version that can be made OA, or files with 
different embargo end dates - see below to see how I achieved this). 

Therefore I added a method to the bitstream class to return the embargo end 
date for a bitstream (or null if not embargoed) by looking for the Start Date 
for the Anonymous READ Policy for the bitstream, and then I hacked the ItemTag 
class (that displays the Item View page) to include this information in the 
bitstream list for each bitstream - you can see an example of this in my v4.1 
DEV server at: http://dspace4.stir.ac.uk/handle/1893/19594.

I also added this information to the Administrator's "Authorisations" page 
(that displays the various Policies for the Item) as another column in the 
table for each bitstream (labelled "Period") so that the Admin can easily see 
the actual Anonymous READ Policy Start Date (and/or End Date if set) for each 
bitstream at a glance - for example see (for the same item as above): 

Massimiliano asked:
> I?d like to know even if it is possible to change the date of an embargo on an
> item after that it is submitted.

- and - 

> We have DSPACE 4.1, I would like to know if it is possible to add embargo
> to an item that is without it.

And Anthony asked:
> Is there a tool available to modify the lift date, say, to extend an embargo 
> by 3 months?

This is functionality that we also required here, but I couldn't find a way to 
do any of this "out of the box" so I implemented my own solution by adding 
fields to display/modify the Policy Start and End dates on the Add New 
Policy/Edit Policy screen - example screenshot here: 

With these fields I can now easily change the Embargo end date for a bitstream 
(by simply editing the Policy Start Date), or add an embargo to an existing 
item (by manually adding a Policy Start Date), or have different Embargo 
statuses or Embargo End Dates for individual bitstreams of an item (by setting 
different Policy Start Dates for each) - as per the example above: 

What I've done is pretty hacky (and makes assumptions based on our way of 
working) so it's probably not good enough to contribute back "as is", but I'd 
be more than happy to share what I've done with anyone interested in seeing if 
it can be applied in their environment with that caveat.

I think the ability to add/edit Embargo End dates (or Anonymous READ Policy 
Start Dates) would be a really useful enhancement to "out of the box" DSpace 
(as might the display of Embargo End dates alongside embargoed bitstreams), so 
it would be great if this feature could make it into a future version of DSpace 
. . . . :-)

I hope this is of interest/use.



Michael White 
eLearning Liaison and Development (eLD)
Information Services
S8, Library
University of Stirling 
Stirling SCOTLAND 
FK9 4LA 
Email: michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk 
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877 
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880

> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:35:56 +0200
> From: "Massimiliano Cilurzo" <mcilu...@unisa.it>
> Subject: [Dspace-tech] I:  Embargo
> To: <dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Message-ID: <00ba01cf9cd2$5f407a00$1dc16e00$@unisa.it>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi,
> I?d like to know even if it is possible to change the date of an embargo on an
> item after that it is submitted.
> Thanks
> Massimiliano Cilurzo
> Da: Massimiliano Cilurzo [mailto:mcilu...@unisa.it]
> Inviato: gioved? 10 luglio 2014 12:00
> A: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
> Oggetto: [Dspace-tech] Embargo
> Dear all,
>        We have DSPACE 4.1, I would like to know if it is possible to add 
> embargo
> to an item that is without it.
> I tried to modify an item but in the administrator tools there isn?t the
> possibility to add embargo.
> Could you help me?
> Thanks
> Best regards
> Massimiliano Cilurzo
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> End of DSpace-tech Digest, Vol 99, Issue 61
> *******************************************

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