
I was just checking the OAI-PMH output of my new DSpace v4.1 PROD system 
against the OAI-PMH validator and was surprised to find the validation had 
failed due to a "baseURL mismatch", even though it had all been lovely when I 
tested it previously on my DEV system.

[FAIL] baseURL supplied 'http://dspace.stir.ac.uk/oai/request' does not match 
the baseURL in the Identify response 'http://localhost:8080/oai/request'.

- and they are quite right (obviously!) - when accessing 
http://dspace.stir.ac.uk/oai/request?verb=Identify, I see :

    <request verb="Identify">http://localhost:8080/oai/request</request>

But this all looks OK in my DEV system 

        <repositoryName>STORRE (v4 DEV)</repositoryName>

I've checked through the various config files, and I can't see any difference 
(or any unexpected references to localhost) - the main difference between the 
systems is that I'm going straight to Tomcat on port 8080 in my DEV environment 
and my sys admin colleague has stuck Apache in front of Tomcat for our PROD 
system - I'll also add that, in order to validate our DEV system, my sys admin 
colleague installed the reverse proxy "pound" so that we could make the DEV 
system visible from off campus on port 80, and the OAI-PMH output of my DEV 
system also validated correctly through that route. 

I've tried clearing the OAI cache and rebuilding the index, but no joy so far . 
. .

I also did a search for "localhost" in all the config files to see if I could 
see where this might be creeping in, but, again, no joy . . .

So, does anyone have any thoughts on where this reference to localhost could be 
creeping in? Is the "baseURL" taken from config somewhere (where?), or assumed 
from the URL used to access the OAI interface (which Apache may be mangling)? 
Any suggestions of anything else to change/investigate?

Given this works OK in DEV and the configs appear to be the same (or 
equivalent) in all the key places (as far as I can tell), I'm wondering if 
Apache is to blame for this? But I'd obviously like to eliminate DSpace config 
as a suspect before I go back to my sys admin colleague . . .

Any thoughts, insights or pointers would be welcome :-)



Michael White 
eLearning Liaison and Development (eLD)
Information Services
S8, Library
University of Stirling 
Stirling SCOTLAND 
FK9 4LA 
Email: michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk 
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877 
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880

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