On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 07:34:44PM +0000, Monika C. Mevenkamp wrote:
> Ah - Yikes - Thanks
> It compiles now   after I changed the dependencies to rely on  
> <artifactId>javax.servlet-api</artifactId>
> Unfortunately this had to be done in all sorts of pom.xml files
> after the compile I still find WEB-INF/lib/servlet-api-2.5-20081211.jar in 
> webapps/*/WEB-INF/lib directories
> when I do
> > ant update
> > rm $DSPACE_HOME/webapps/jspui/WEB-INF/lib/*servlet*
> then restart tomcat and localhost:8080/jspui comes up fine

My reading of the output of 'mvn dependency:tree' suggests that this
is org.mortbay.jetty:servlet-api, pulled in transitively due to the
dependency on org.mortbay.jetty.jetty by
com.google.oauth-client-jetty, which for some reason is a dependency
of dspace-api.  I wonder what happens when we exclude

It looks to me as though at least oauth-client-jetty, and perhaps
others, should be in <scope>test</scope>.  That's probably a better fix.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

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Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
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Indianapolis, IN 46202

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