Thanks for your help, Tim:

I'm afraid that I keep hitting a wall when I try to upgrade to DSpace 5.1

I tried to go directly from DSpace 1.8.2 to DSpace 5.1 and got:
ERROR occurred while checking Solr index version:
Exception in thread "main" Could not read Lucene segments 
files in /cul/app/dspace/solr/statistics/data/index

We have been using our own stats gathering system instead of the one within 
DSpace.  So, I removed the statistics index but then I got:
Exception in thread "main" Could not read Lucene segments 
files in /cul/app/dspace/solr/search/data/index
This version of Lucene only supports indexes created with release 3.0 and later.

So, I went ahead and used the DSpace 4.3 version of our solr indexes (without 
the statistics).  It ran fine and everything got upgraded, but when I tried to 
do any searching, I get the "write lock error".  If I turn off tomcat, delete 
the write lock and restart things, I get the same thing.  Also, I cannot update 
the discovery index because of the write lock problem.

By the way, I did try the manual upgrade of the Solr indexes defined in the 
manual, but that didn't work for me, either.

So, right now, it looks like I can only upgrade to DSpace 4.3, unless you have 
some more suggestions for me.

George Kozak
Digital Library Specialist
Cornell University Library Information Technologies (CUL-IT)
218 Olin Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Donohue [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 9:31 AM
To: George Stanley Kozak;
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Error after install of DSpace 5.1 (Additional 

Hi George,

Yes, that is what I was suggesting...upgrading directly from 1.8.2 or
3.3 (whichever was your starting point) to 5.1. The "ant update" should take 
care of the necessary Solr index upgrades for you.

- Tim

On 4/6/2015 6:21 PM, George Stanley Kozak wrote:
> Tim:
> Thank you for your advice.  I did try the 5.1 ant update, but it failed.  
> Maybe if I tried it going from DSpace 3.3 or 1.8.2 directly to DSpace 5.1 
> instead of doing the intermediate step to 4.3, this might work?  I will try a 
> few other things and let everyone know what works.
> George Kozak
> Digital Library Specialist
> Cornell University Library Information Technologies (CULIT)
> 218 Olin Library
> Cornell University
> Ithaca, NY 14853
> 607-255-8924
> ________________________________________
> From: Tim Donohue <>
> Sent: Monday, April 6, 2015 4:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Error after install of DSpace 5.1 (Additional      
>   information)
> Hi George,
> The error below is essentially saying that your Solr statistics index 
> is "too old" for the version of Solr packages with DSpace 4.3 to upgrade.
> However, in the DSpace 5.1 upgrade process, during the "ant update"
> step, we've attempted to catch this scenario automatically -- we try 
> to determine the version of a Solr index, and upgrade it automatically 
> to the latest version.
> So, I'd recommend trying to point DSpace 5.1 at your old Solr index, 
> and running "ant update". It is supposed to upgrade an old index 
> automatically.
> If that doesn't work for some reason, another option is to do a more 
> manual upgrade, as described in the DSpace 5.x documentation. This 
> manual upgrade essentially requires downloading multiple versions of 
> the Solr/Lucene core JAR, and running it against your index in order 
> to upgrade it to the latest compatible version (this is essentially 
> the same process that is now automated by "ant update" though)
> Space-ManuallyUpgradingSolrIndexes
> By the way, from your earlier messages, recently I also did encounter 
> that odd Solr "write.lock" error ("Index locked for write..") during a 
> recent upgrade I tried to 5.1. In my situation, it seemed like it was 
> a stale "write.lock" file which was somehow sitting around. After 
> clearing it out, the upgrade proceeded. Admittedly, I still need to 
> dig a bit further and ensure my analysis is correct.
> - Tim
> On 4/1/2015 3:16 PM, George Stanley Kozak wrote:
>> Hi, Everyone:
>> I have discovered that when I try to optimize my Solr indexes when I 
>> upgraded from DSpace 3.3 to 4.3
>> (wget 'http://localhost:8080/solr/statistics/update?optimize=true')
>> I get the following errors in the solr logs:
>> ERROR org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer @ Unable to create core:
>> statistics
>> Format version is not supported (resource: segment _32 in resource
>> ChecksumIndexInput(MMapIndexInput(path="/cul/app/dspace/solr/statistics/data/index/segments_1p0"))):
>> 2.x. This version of Lucene only supports indexes created with 
>> release
>> 3.0 and later.
>> If I later try to upgrade to 5.1, I see during the ant update:
>> /cul/app/dspace/src/dspace-5.1-src-release/dspace/target/dspace-installer/build.xml:1061:
>> ERROR occurred while checking Solr index version:
>> Exception in thread "main" Could not read Lucene 
>> segments files in /cul/app/dspace/solr/statistics/data/index
>> I know the 5.1 documentation states that you can manually update the 
>> Solr indexes.  Should that be done in my 4.3 upgrade before I try to 
>> go to 5.1 or should it be done in the 5.1 upgrade?
>> George Kozak
>> Digital Library Specialist
>> Cornell University Library Information Technologies (CUL-IT)
>> 218 Olin Library
>> Cornell University
>> Ithaca, NY 14853
>> 607-255-8924
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