Hi Jose,

The reindexing process only occurs for the Search/Browse indexes (and it 
doesn't touch the Solr Statistics index). So, it would not be directly 
related to any issues with Solr Statistics. The only part of the upgrade 
that affects the Solr Statistics index is that the Solr Stats index will 
be *upgraded* (to the latest version of Solr) during the "ant update" step.

Since you said the re-indexing (of Search/Browse index) didn't complete, 
you probably should manually re-run it (just in case it is somehow 
affecting the "spinning" you are seeing):

[dspace]/bin/index-discovery -b

(By default, during the 5.x upgrade, that "index-discovery -b" command 
runs automatically when you first startup Tomcat after upgrading to 5.x. 
The only way to re-run it after that point is to run it manually from 
the commandline.)

- Tim

On 5/13/2015 10:27 AM, Jose Blanco wrote:
> Tim, I know the reindexing did not finish.  I'm trying to grab log
> output as it runs so I restarted tomcat, but nothing gets written to the
> log.  It seems like I have to go to the browser and initiate a browse by
> title for indexing to start.  Is that right?
> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 5:37 PM, Tim Donohue <tdono...@duraspace.org
> <mailto:tdono...@duraspace.org>> wrote:
>     Hi Jose,
>     Are you saying that some of the accesses to Solr Stats work fine?
>     While others are spinning? Is there any difference in the type of
>     content that seems to cause Solr to spin (i.e. anything different
>     about those Items in any way that you can tell)?
>     I'm just trying to see if it's possible to narrow down the issue. It
>     sounds like it's not Solr overall (as some accesses work and some do
>     not). But, then the question becomes what is different between those
>     that work and those that do not.
>     Since this happened post-upgrade to 5.x, I'm assuming all the
>     automatic upgrades to your Solr look to have succeeded? During the
>     "ant update" process, your indexes should have been automatically
>     upgraded to the latest Solr version (including the statistics
>     index). Just wanted to make sure that whole process also went
>     smoothly with regards to the Solr Statistics index.
>     - Tim
>     On 5/12/2015 3:46 PM, Jose Blanco wrote:
>         TIm, from the tomcat area:
>         This is from a good access:
> - - [12/May/2015:16:44:32 -0400] "POST
>         /solr/statistics/update?wt=javabin&version=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 40
> - - [12/May/2015:16:44:32 -0400] "GET
> /solr/search/select?q=*%3A*&fq=NOT%28withdrawn%3Atrue%29&fq=NOT%28discoverable%3Afalse%29&fq=location%3Al814&fq=read%3A%28g0+OR+g0+OR+g80+OR+g431+OR+g617%29&start=0&rows=0&wt=javabin&version=2
>         HTTP/1.1" 200 215
> - - [12/May/2015:16:44:32 -0400] "GET
> /solr/search/select?q=*%3A*&fq=NOT%28withdrawn%3Atrue%29&fq=NOT%28discoverable%3Afalse%29&fq=location%3Al814&fq=search.resourcetype%3A2&fq=read%3A%28g0+OR+g0+OR+g80+OR+g431+OR+g617%29&start=0&rows=20&sort=dc.date.accessioned_dt+desc&wt=javabin&version=2
>         HTTP/1.1" 200 272
> - deepblue [12/May/2015:16:44:32 -0400] "GET
>         /handle/TEMP-BOGUS/214864 HTTP/1.1" 304 -
>         This is from one that spins:
> - - [12/May/2015:16:45:33 -0400] "POST
>         /solr/statistics/update?wt=javabin&version=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 40
>         On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Jose Blanco <blan...@umich.edu
>         <mailto:blan...@umich.edu>
>         <mailto:blan...@umich.edu <mailto:blan...@umich.edu>>> wrote:
>              Tim, I think it may have to do with solr statistics. Is
>         there a say
>              to turn it off.
>              Attached is part of the dspace log file created when the
>         spinning
>              takes place.
>              On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Tim Donohue
>         <tdono...@duraspace.org <mailto:tdono...@duraspace.org>
>              <mailto:tdono...@duraspace.org
>         <mailto:tdono...@duraspace.org>>> wrote:
>                  Hi Jose,
>                  You might want to check your logs (both DSpace and
>         Tomcat logs)
>                  to see if there's anything going on there while the
>         browser "spins".
>                  Otherwise, it's a bit hard to guess at what could cause the
>                  browser to hang. My best guess is that it's waiting on
>         something
>                  that is running behind the scenes, but it's hard to
>         tell what
>                  that "something" is (and I'm hoping maybe the logs
>         would give
>                  you and us a hint).
>                  You also might want to test what scenarios cause the
>         "spinning".
>                  Is it accessing *any* community/collection/item? Or, is
>         it just
>                  some objects? Does it happen when logged in only? Or,
>         also when
>                  accessing the site anonymously?
>                  - Tim
>                  On 5/12/2015 2:14 PM, Jose Blanco wrote:
>                      I'm testing my merged code from of 4.2 and 5.2 and
>         I made a
>                      user a
>                      submitter to a collection and when I login as that
>         user and
>                      go to that
>                      collection, the connection just spins.  This may be
>         due to
>                      something in
>                      my merge, but any clues to where to check for this
>         would be
>                      good.
>                      I noticed the same thing happening when I
>         restricted access to a
>                      bitstream and then just accessing the item, made
>         the browser
>                      just spin.
>                      I could not get to the item.
>                      There must be a check going on somewhere that's
>         just spinning.
>                      Thanks!
>                      Jose
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