Hi, again, I have found a temporary workaround, have built new distribution zip 
files, and have pushed them over to SourceForge. Mark Wood is working on a far 
more elegant solution. We'll write it all up eventually, but I have tested both 
the release and src-release zip files, they have all required folders and all 
build DSpace correctly. The new distribution files work correctly, so if you 
depend on these files, just download new ones [1].

If you are tired of downloading and managing vendor drops, I do recommend you 
check out Git and GitHub [2].

Speaking of GitHub, they build distribution zip files on the fly, so, through 
all of this, the GitHub-made distribution zip file [3] has worked fine.


[1] https://sourceforge.net/projects/dspace/files/DSpace%20Stable/5.2/
[2] https://github.com/dspace/dspace
[3] https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/releases/tag/dspace-5.2

From: Pottinger, Hardy J.
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 12:30 PM
To: Pottinger, Hardy J.
Subject: RE: BUILD FAILURE DSpace5.2

Hi, to be absolutely clear, the DSpace 5.2 application works fine. If you clone 
the DSpace repository from GitHub and check out the dspace-5_x branch, you will 
have a working repository. The issue here is that the "distribution" zip files 
are missing some important, though empty, folders. We are working to resolve 
this issue, so that people who might depend on using the distribution zip files 
(such as anyone still using Subversion for version control, and following a 
"vendor drop" protocol for tracking changes to DSpace) can make use of them.

Sorry for the inconvenience, we will sort it out soon, I'm sure.


From: Pottinger, Hardy J.
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:38 AM
To: Lewatle Phaladi; DSpace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] BUILD FAILURE DSpace5.2

Hi, Lewatle, thank you for bringing this to our attention. There appears to be 
a problem with our distribution packaging configuration (confirmed by myself 
and Mark Wood). We are looking into it. The gist of the problem is, the Maven 
overlay folders are not getting packaged up in the distributions. These overlay 
folders are necessary to build DSpace, as our Maven configuration expects to 
find these folders, even if they are empty.

Since this is a "packaging" error, we should be able to produce new 
distribution packages that *do* work, and I expect that will happen later 
today. I hope we'll have a solution for the problem with the packaging 
configuration as well. In the mean time, if you'd like to manually fix your own 
distribution, and you're using the BASH shell (Linux or OSX), run this from 
your dspace-5.2-src-release folder:

cd dspace/modules; for X in jspui lni oai rdf rest sword swordv2 xmlui; do 
mkdir -p $X/src/main/webapp; done

Thanks to Mark Wood for the one-line BASH script. If you're using Windows or 
some other shell, the general idea is: create empty src/main/webapp folders in 
each folder in dspace/modules.

Sorry for the mix-up, I'm sure we'll have this sorted out later today.


PS: if you or anyone else would like to pitch in with the packaging debugging, 
here is how:


Follow along with the instructions in the block that begins "what if I 
deleted..." The gist of it is: start with a fresh clone of DSpace from GitHub, 
check out the 5.2 tag, build the distributions, and then see that they are 
indeed missing the overlay folders...

From: Lewatle Phaladi [lewatle.phal...@wits.ac.za]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 4:43 AM
To: DSpace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Dspace-tech] BUILD FAILURE DSpace5.2

Hi Dspace Team,

I am getting the following error while running :
$ mvn -U clean package

from dspace-5.2-src-release/dspace
see error message that follows

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3:13.958s
[INFO] Finished at: Fri May 22 11:34:32 SAST 2015
[INFO] Final Memory: 37M/191M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.4:war (default-war) on project 
xmlui: Execution default-war of goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.4:war failed: basedir 
/dspace/src/dspace-5.2-src-release/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp does 
not exist -> [Help 1]


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