
I'm having an issue with predictably configuring the simple item display and am 
hoping for some feedback.  This issue occurs in DSpace 3.3 (Solaris 9) and 4.2 
(Ubuntu Server 14.04).

In my dspace.cfg, the first line for web.itemdisplay.default is as follows:

webui.itemdisplay.default = dc.title,,, 
dc.type, \

If is populated for an item, the author displays fine.  
If it's empty, but other contributor fields are populated, such as 
dc.contributor.editor or our custom dc.contributor.authoreid, then those fields 
magically show up despite not being referenced in the itemdisplay array.  I can 
go back and create a false author and then only that author shows up in the 

In cases where an item doesn't have an author, editor, or internal "eid" 
defined, the line is simply blank.

Does anyone know how I can define (add/remove) what this will failover to?  Is 
this expected behavior in the first place?  If I don't have an author defined, 
I'd like for the field to respect what I have listed in the config and not toss 
up other metadata.

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