Hi Arthur,

We have been looking at this issue too, so perhaps I can shed some light.

Here is an old discussion about how to change the displayed dates in JSPUI: 

However, we are using XMLUI (Mirage2) in DSpace 5.1, so I experimented with a 

Then I added the following namespace info to the <xsl:stylesheet> tag:


Note: because the XSLT is version 1.0 I could not benefit from XPath 2.0 
functions such as adjust-dateTime-to-timezone().

Then I updated the <xsl:template match="dim:field" mode="itemDetailView-DIM"> 
template where it was displaying the date.  I wanted to modify the displayed 
date for dc.date.accessioned and dc.date.available, so I performed the 
following test and used date:date-time() to calculate the correct local 
timezone and displayed it along with a formatted version of the UTC date-time 
stored in the node().

   <td class=”word-break”>
                         <xsl:when test="not(@element='date' and 
@qualifier='accessioned') and not(@element='date' and @qualifier='available')">
                             <xsl:value-of select="./node()"/>
                             <xsl:variable name="dt" select="./node()" />
                             <!-- cannot use fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone 
because requires XSLT 2.0 -->
select="fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone($dt, '-PT4H')" />-->
                             <xsl:variable name="currDateTime" 
select="date:date-time()" />
                             <xsl:variable name="currTimeZone" 
select="substring($currDateTime,20,25)" />
                             <xsl:value-of select="date:format-date($dt, 
'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')" />
                             <xsl:value-of select="$currTimeZone" />

What I still need to do is perform an actual transformation to the current 
timezone for the UTC date-time stored in the node(), but at least I am further 
along in where and how to make the changes.

Hope that helps.


From: Arthur Sady Cordeiro Rossetti [mailto:arthurs...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2015 9:25 AM
To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Dspace-tech] dc.date.accessioned incorrect setting

Hi, Im trying to find the file where Dspace automatically sets the 
dc.date.accessed variable date which represents the date of submission of the 
items in de database, because in my instance, even though the machine where its 
running has the right time configuration and in the right timezone, the value 
in dc.date.accessed is always set based in the UTC timezone, I changed the 
computer clock, to compensate and it solved the problem, but this solution is 
not enough for me because there are other aplications dependant on the computer 
So does anybody knows where I can find the file where that variable is set, so 
I can change it?

Thanks for the attention
Arthur Sady C. Rossetti

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