On 15 July 2015 at 09:14, Admire Mutsikiwa <amutsik...@uzlib.uz.ac.zw>

> I am interested in an SQL query that will enable me to list the number of
> articles deposited into dspace per month  per collection or by e-person.

Hi Admire

A couple of years ago Susan Thornton helped me out with a query similar to
what I use on 5.2, below:

substring(mv.text_value,1,7) AS year_month,
count(*) AS num_items_added
FROM metadatavalue mv, item it, collection co, community cm,
community2collection c2c
WHERE mv.resource_id = it.item_id
AND it.owning_collection = co.collection_id
AND co.collection_id = c2c.collection_id
AND c2c.community_id = cm.community_id
AND mv.metadata_field_id = 11
AND it.in_archive
AND text_value >= '2015-06'
AND text_value < '2015-07'
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3 ORDER BY 2;

This is Susan's original SQL:

   cm.name AS community_name
, co.name  AS collection_name
 , substring(mv.text_value,1,7) AS year_month
 , count(*) AS num_items_added
            FROM metadatavalue mv
               , item it
               , collection co
               , community cm
               , community2collection c2c
            WHERE mv.item_id = it.item_id
              AND it.owning_collection = co.collection_id
              AND co.collection_id = c2c.collection_id
              AND c2c.community_id = cm.community_id
              AND mv.metadata_field_id =
11                                          /* date.accessioned */
/* Make sure the Item has not been deleted or withdrawn */
              AND text_value >= '2013-04' AND text_value < '2013-05' /*
specify the starting date here in format yyyy-mm */
        GROUP BY 1, 2, 3
        ORDER BY 1, 2;

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