Hi David,

Not sure I have an answer, but perhaps a few clues.

The error says it cannot determine a user account's full DN: 
"failed_login:no DN found for user krbelcher".

So, that implies to me that it *might* be having issues with either 
"search_context" or the lack of "object_context".  But, nothing jumps 
out to me as to why either of those would be problematic.

DSpace definitely will work with Active Directory (I've set it up in the 
past), but as each directory structure is a bit different, it's hard to 
have standard instructions here.
In the past, I've usually seen AD directory structures which look more like:

                    ou = User Accounts
                 _/        |          \_
               _/          |            \_
              /            |              \
ou=Staff Accounts  ou=Faculty Accounts   ou=Student Accounts

In that scenario, I've set "search_context = ou=User 
Accounts,dc=relligar,dc=edu", and found that it worked fine.  So, by the 
same logic, it *seems* like your "search_context" should be correct, but 
there's still obviously something wrong here.

One option may be to try to debug your settings by running similar LDAP 
queries using a third-party tool like "ldapsearch" (which is in the 
"ldap-utils" Linux Package).

So, for example, using "ldapsearch" you could run test/verification 
queries similar to these:

# Returns the first 100 accts (using "subtree" search) under the 
search_context (returning just the 'cn', 'mail' and 'sn' fields)
ldapsearch -x -H [provider_url] -D [search.user] -W -b [search_context] 
-z 100 -s sub cn mail sn

# Returns the first 100 accts (using "subtree" search) where username 
(id_field) starts with "k"
ldapsearch -x -H [provider_url] -D [search.user] -W -b [search_context] 
-z 100 -s sub "([id_field]=k*)" [id_field] cn mail sn givenName

If it isn't obvious, all the placeholders above correspond to the values 
of configs in authentication-ldap.cfg.

More info on "ldapsearch" commands: 

Hopefully that gives you some more hints to go on.  Please do report 
back on your status to this mailing list, as it might help others in the 
future (and it could also help us to enhance our documentation around 
configuring the LDAP plugin).

- Tim

On 7/16/2015 8:21 AM, Baker, David A. wrote:
> I'm running DSpace 5.2 and am attempting to enable LDAP authentication with 
> our Active Directory. I've been fighting this issue for a couple of weeks 
> now, and cannot get authentication to work. Below are the contents of my 
> authentication.cfg and authentication-ldap.cfg files as well as the log 
> result of the login attempts from the dspace.log file.
> I'm not sure if there is something obvious that I have wrong or not. Are 
> there any specifics that have to be set for Active Directory setups?
> Thanks for any help!
> The directory structure is set up like this:
>                    dc=relligar,dc=edu
>                  _/        |          \_
>                _/          |            \_
>               /            |              \
> ou=Staff Accounts  ou=Faculty Accounts   ou=Student Accounts
>                                                     |
>                                                     |
>                                            cn=Jones, Jimmy K.
>                                            ...
> dspace.log.2015-07-14
> ---------------------
> ...
> 2015-07-14 16:58:23,295 INFO  org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication 
> @ 
> anonymous:session_id=E1BE13484E845DE6361AFB660E6307FD:ip_addr=
>  password auth of user=krbelcher
> 2015-07-14 16:58:23,358 INFO  org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication @ 
> anonymous:session_id=E1BE13484E845DE6361AFB660E6307FD:ip_addr=
>  trivial auth of user=krbelcher
> 2015-07-14 16:58:23,654 WARN  org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication @ 
> anonymous:session_id=E1BE13484E845DE6361AFB660E6307FD:ip_addr=
>  javax.naming.AuthenticationException\colon; [LDAP\colon; error code 49 - 
> 80090308\colon; LdapErr\colon; DSID-0C0903A9, comment\colon; 
> AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1db1 ]
> 2015-07-14 16:58:23,654 INFO  org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication @ 
> anonymous:session_id=E1BE13484E845DE6361AFB660E6307FD:ip_addr=
>  DN found for user krbelcher
> 2015-07-14 16:58:23,654 INFO  org.dspace.app.xmlui.utils.AuthenticationUtil @ 
> anonymous:session_id=E1BE13484E845DE6361AFB660E6307FD:ip_addr=,
>  realm=null, result=2
> 2015-07-14 16:58:29,764 INFO  org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication 
> @ 
> anonymous:session_id=E1BE13484E845DE6361AFB660E6307FD:ip_addr=
>  password auth of user=krbelcher
> 2015-07-14 16:58:29,764 INFO  org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication @ 
> anonymous:session_id=E1BE13484E845DE6361AFB660E6307FD:ip_addr=
>  trivial auth of user=krbelcher
> 2015-07-14 16:58:30,076 WARN  org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication @ 
> anonymous:session_id=E1BE13484E845DE6361AFB660E6307FD:ip_addr=
>  javax.naming.AuthenticationException\colon; [LDAP\colon; error code 49 - 
> 80090308\colon; LdapErr\colon; DSID-0C0903A9, comment\colon; 
> AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1db1 ]
> 2015-07-14 16:58:30,076 INFO  org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication @ 
> anonymous:session_id=E1BE13484E845DE6361AFB660E6307FD:ip_addr=
>  DN found for user krbelcher
> 2015-07-14 16:58:30,076 INFO  org.dspace.app.xmlui.utils.AuthenticationUtil @ 
> anonymous:session_id=E1BE13484E845DE6361AFB660E6307FD:ip_addr=,
>  realm=null, result=2
> authentication.cfg
> ------------------
> plugin.sequence.org.dspace.authenticate.AuthenticationMethod = \
>      org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication, \
>      org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication
> authentication-ldap.cfg
> -----------------------
> enable = true
> autoregister = true
> provider_url = ldaps://
> id_field = sAMAccountName
> object_context =
> search_context = dc=relligar,dc=edu
> email_field = mail
> surname_field = sn
> givenname_field = givenName
> phone_field = telephoneNumber
> search_scope = 2
> search.anonymous = false
> search.user = cn=Binder\, DSpace,cn=Users,dc=relligar,dc=edu
> search.password = secret
> netid_email_domain = @relligar.edu

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