
It sounds like you are following all of the right steps.  I find it
trickier than I would expect to successfully make changes to the facets.

If it is helpful, I have posted a copy of our discovery.xml file:

We have created a number of collection-specific sidebar facets.

I have found it necessary to define a search filter each time that I need
to add a new sidebar facet.

I have also found it tricky to apply different custom facets at different
levels of the hierarchy (collection vs sub-community).


On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 7:08 AM, Michael White <michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk>

> Hi,
> DSpace v5.2, JSPUI.
> I've been trying to change the Date Issued side bar facet to be a Funder
> side bar facet, but I haven't been able to get it working. I was
> successfully able to change the Date Issued facet to use Date Accessioned
> (so I've been doing something right!), but I've not been able to get the
> Funder facet working - I'm hoping someone can point out where I'm going
> wrong :-)
> In /usr/local/dspace/config/spring/api/discovery.xml:
> I updated the homepageConfiguration bean to reference a new search filter
> for Funder:
>     <!--The Homepage specific configuration settings for discovery-->
>     <bean id="homepageConfiguration"
> class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryConfiguration"
> scope="prototype">
>         <!--Which sidebar facets are to be displayed (same as
> defaultConfiguration above)-->
>         <property name="sidebarFacets">
>             <list>
>                 <ref bean="searchFilterAuthor" />
>                 <ref bean="searchFilterSubject" />
>                 <ref bean="searchFilterFunder" />
>             </list>
>         </property>
> - and defined the new searchFilterFunder bean (as a Search Filter/Facet
> using the class DiscoverySearchFilterFacet):
>    <!-- New bean for contributor.other/othernew (Funder) Search filter -
> MW: 27/7/15 -->
>     <bean id="searchFilterFunder"
> class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoverySearchFilterFacet">
>         <property name="indexFieldName" value="funder"/>
>         <property name="metadataFields">
>             <list>
>                 <value>dc.contributor.other </value>
>             <!--    <value>dc.contributor.othernew </value> -->
>             </list>
>         </property>
>         <property name="facetLimit" value="10"/>
>         <property name="sortOrder" value="COUNT"/>
>     </bean>
> - and created a sort property bean for Funder:
>     <!-- New bean for contributor.other (Funder) Sort properties - MW
> 27/7/15 -->
>     <bean id="sortFunder"
> class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoverySortFieldConfiguration">
>         <property name="metadataField" value="dc.contributor.other"/>
>     </bean>
> - which I referenced in the homepage "searchSortConfiguration":
>         <!--The sort filters for the discovery search (same as
> defaultConfiguration above)-->
>         <property name="searchSortConfiguration">
>             <bean
> class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoverySortConfiguration">
>                 <!--<property name="defaultSort" ref="sortDateIssued"/>-->
>                 <!--DefaultSortOrder can either be desc or asc (desc is
> default)-->
>                 <property name="defaultSortOrder" value="desc"/>
>                 <property name="sortFields">
>                     <list>
>                         <ref bean="sortTitle" />
>                         <ref bean="sortFunder" />
>                     </list>
>                 </property>
>             </bean>
>         </property>
> But after restarting Tomcat and rebuilding the discovery indices (with
> /usr/local/dspace/bin/dspace index-discovery -b), the homepage loads, but
> only displays the facets for Author and Subject - the Date Issued facet is
> no longer displayed as expected, but nothing appears in its place (just
> white space) :-(
> I've been following the instructions at
> https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC5x/Discovery but no joy so far.
> These instructions also suggest that I should be using the class
> "org.dspace.discovery.configuration.SidebarFacetConfiguration" for the
> Search Filter bean, but I tried that and it generated an error at startup
> (plus this class isn't listed in the summary of classes on that page that
> lists the classes found in the discovery.xml file, so I'm left a little
> confused).
> As an aside, I've also set up a Search Index and a Browse filter for
> Funder in dspace.cfg which seem to be working:
>         search.index.3 = funder:dc.contributor.other
> ...
>         webui.browse.index.4 = funder:metadata:dc.contributor.other:text
> I'm obviously doing something wrong or have missed something trying to
> create this sidebar facet, so if anyone has any insights or suggestions
> they would be very welcome :-).
> Thanks in advance,
> Mike
> Michael White
> eLearning Developer
> Information Services
> T: (01786) 466877
> E: michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk
> A: S8, Library, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA
> --
> The University is ranked in the QS World Rankings of the top 5% of
> universities in the world (QS World University Rankings, 2014)
> The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
>  number SC 011159.
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