Thank you for your help.

I did not use dspace-4.x before and this does not help me.

As i now understand the behaviour of the browse by author and keywords  
i found out it is working fine.

I do still have the problem with the Issue Date and Title:
After selecting years for IssueDate or Characters for the title i get  
zero results.

So why is browse issuedate and title broken?

In the other hand authors and keywords going fine.

Any starting points for me


Zitat von Hilton Gibson <>:

> Please see:
> *Hilton Gibson*
> Ubuntu Linux Systems Administrator
> Stellenbosch University Library
> On 4 August 2015 at 15:51, <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am using dspace-5.2 and most things work fine, beside some Browsing
>> Issues:
>> When i Browse by Issue Date it shows me all items.
>> After (Choose year) or type in a year i get always zero results.
>> /xmlui/browse?type=dateissued
>> In opposite when i click on the sidebar Date Issued: I get the correct
>> result.
>> /xmlui/discover?filtertype=dateIssued&filter_relational_operator=equals&filter=2012
>> In all types of "Browse by" i get weird behaviours:
>> When i enter first letters for Authors, Titles, Subjects it gives me
>> results i cannot understand and totally wrong.
>> I searched the logs and cannot find errors, debug is enabled.
>> I tried:
>> dspace index-discovery -b
>> dspace index-discovery -o
>> Everythings seems fine.
>> When i rebuild dspace, all indexes "Looks good!"
>> As i am using xmlui-mirage2 i tested this in jspui and the same wrong
>> results and missing functionality showed up.
>> "discover" seems to work
>> "browse" not
>> How is the way to get into it and find the problem ?
>> Best regards
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