On Thu, Aug 06, 2015 at 10:45:08AM +0300, allybit...@udsm.ac.tz wrote:
> I am having a problem in the complete submission process is very slow it
> took like 5 min to complete submission sometimes without errors.
> Can any one help me to made it be fast process thank you

The first step is to find out what it is doing with all that time.  I
would search dspace.log for the time of such a submission and see if
there are any warnings or errors that might explain the delay.  A
single submission just doesn't give DSpace very much work to do, so I
expect that it is waiting on some other resource.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

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