The code I sent you tries to be as non-invasive as possible. When you add
the template, the only the DRI output of the homepage should change but not
the DRI output of the community-list. Therefore, if your collapse/expand
widgets are just css/js, they should continue to work. If, however, they do
any modifications to XSLT, that may change how the community-list DRI is
rendered and it's possible my snippet interferes with it somehow. Check
whether there are any differences in community-list DRI between how Mirage
renders it and your theme renders it.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Keith Jones <> wrote:

> Helix,
> Thanks for the help, the code is working and will remove the list from the
> home page.
> Here is my problem.
> Currently in production we are using collapsible list for the community
> browse page, which you can see here:
> This is in version 3.1 using the
> XMLUI. I was able to remove the community list from the main page but
> commenting out the template call in the xslt, I did not use the overriding
> template method.
> When I use the code provided, the collapsible list will partly work, but
> the arrow icons do not appear, when viewing the community list.
> Thanks
> Keith
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 9:07 AM, helix84 <> wrote:
>> Try this:
>>     <xsl:template name="hide_homepage_community-list"
>> match="dri:div[@id='aspect.artifactbrowser.CommunityBrowser.div.comunity-browser']">
>>         <xsl:if
>> test="/dri:document/dri:meta/dri:pageMeta/dri:metadata[@element='request'][@qualifier='URI']/text()">
>>             <xsl:apply-templates />
>>         </xsl:if>
>>     </xsl:template>
>> It hides the community browser unless the request URI is non-empty (like
>> "/community-list").
>> Regards,
>> ~~helix84
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