Hi all,

when testing the upgrade to Dspace 5.3 I again encountered many problems with 
OAI. Identify worked, and it would list Sets, but any request for ListRecords 
would result in No matches for this query. In the end I tracked it down to a 
typo in build.properties that resulted in an incorrect bitstream.baseURL in 

In build.properties dspace.ui is set to jpsui instead of jspui
# The user interface you will be using for DSpace. Common usage is either xmlui 
or jspui
dspace.ui = jpsui

In addition, there is a problem when trying to use database instead of SOLR, 
because that resulted in database errors
ERROR org.dspace.xoai.services.impl.xoai.DSpaceItemDatabaseRepository @ ERROR: 
column tmp.resource_id does not exist
  Position: 423 org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column 
tmp.resource_id does not exist
ERROR org.dspace.xoai.filter.DSpaceSetSpecFilter @ 

best wishes,

Dr Ir Francis Brouns | Welten Institute - Research Centre for Learning, 
Teaching and Technology | Faculty of Psychology & Educational Sciences | Open 
Universiteit| Valkenburgerweg 177 6419 AT Heerlen | P.O. Box 2960 6401 DL 
Heerlen | Phone + 31 45 5762152 | Fax +31 45 5762800 | e-mail 

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