Hi all,

a minor issue in Dspace 5.3. When an user with an account that has not yet been 
verified asks for a new password, a message is shown about the account being 
inactive. The message contains a link to register. This link is not set, 
instead {0} is shown.

Inactive Account
The e-mail address you entered corresponds to an inactive account. Perhaps you 
havent yet registered.

in html source
Perhaps you havent yet <a href="{0}">registered</a>.

Also, the ' is missing in haven't. That probably happens with all strings 
containing an apostrof.

best wishes, Francis

Dr Ir Francis Brouns | Welten Institute - Research Centre for Learning, 
Teaching and Technology | Faculty of Psychology & Educational Sciences | Open 
Universiteit| Valkenburgerweg 177 6419 AT Heerlen | P.O. Box 2960 6401 DL 
Heerlen | Phone + 31 45 5762152 | Fax +31 45 5762800 | e-mail 

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