Kyle Johnson wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Two questions:
>    1. Is anyone against the idea of a new, or at least redeveloped,
>       dspam website?
>       At the least, I think we should update it's code to something
>       valid, and with use of CSS.  I'd also like to include a link to
>       the Wiki on the main site, which brings me to my next point.  I
>       have started on a slightly-updated design at
> and am open to suggestions.
>    2. I think that we should update our Wiki.  I _really_ like mediawiki
>       (the one that wikipedia uses), but I am open to other suggestions
>       as well.  I just feel that the one we're using now is a little
>       more difficult to navigate around, and that it doesn't look as
>       professional.
> So, what say ye all?

What about trac? Wiki, ticket system, roadmap, source browser ...

> --Kyle Johnson

        -- andreas

-- - cybernetic synapses

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