Sorry guys if I feel a bit upset, but it's been 3 weeks now since I started to install Dspam with PostgreSQL... I've read the whole README and tons of wiki and other sources here and there. Nothing seems to work. Wether my database is "UTF8" or "SQL_ASCII" encoded I still get lots of sql errors and dspam_train still learns nothing. Maildir format used (untouched original emails stored in user's personal directory):

    # ls -l /tmp/dspam/spam/ |wc
    8628   77645 1022895

    # ls -l /tmp/dspam/ham/ |wc
    1318   11855  125436

    # cd /tmp/dspam
    # time dspam_train --client spam ham

And after a while (~ 18 Hours)


Training Snapshot: TP: 0 TN: 1572 FP: 0 FN: 8397 SC: 0 NC: 0
                  SHR:    0.00%       HSR:    0.00%       OCA:   15.77%

Overall Statistics: TP: 0 TN: 1573 FP: 0 FN: 8397 SC: 0 NC: 0
                  SHR:    0.00%       HSR:    0.00%       OCA:   15.78%

real    1083m43.292s
user    26m0.438s
sys     10m59.845s

So before I definitely give up with dspam (which I don't want to, but hey I have a life after all) has anybody got an advice for my setup ?

dspam 3.10.1
postfix 2.7.1
postgresql 9.1

here are my default.pref, spamd.conf and pgsql.conf


Home /var/spool/dspam
StorageDriver /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dspam/
DeliveryPort            10034
DeliveryIdent           localhost
DeliveryProto           SMTP
EnablePlusedDetail      on
OnFail error
Trust root
Trust dspam
Trusr postfix
Trust www-data
Trust mail
Trust daemon
Trust amavis
TrainingMode teft
TestConditionalTraining on
Feature noise
Feature whitelist
Feature tb=5
Algorithm graham burton
Tokenizer osb
PValue bcr
WebStats on
ImprobabilityDrive on
Preference "trainingMode=TEFT" # { TOE | TUM | TEFT | NOTRAIN } -> default:teft Preference "spamAction=tag" # { quarantine | tag | deliver } -> default:quarantine
Preference "spamSubject=[SPAM]"         # { string } -> default:[SPAM]
Preference "statisticalSedation=5"      # { 0 - 10 } -> default:0
Preference "enableBNR=on"               # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "enableWhitelist=on"         # { on | off } -> default:on
Preference "signatureLocation=header" # { message | headers } -> default:message
Preference "tagSpam=on"                 # { on | off }
Preference "tagNonspam=off"             # { on | off }
Preference "showFactors=on"             # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "optIn=off"                  # { on | off }
Preference "optOut=off"                 # { on | off }
Preference "whitelistThreshold=20"      # { Integer } -> default:10
Preference "makeCorpus=off"             # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "storeFragments=off"         # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "localStore="                # { on | off } -> default:username
Preference "processorBias=on"           # { on | off } -> default:on
Preference "fallbackDomain=off"         # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "trainPristine=off"          # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "optOutClamAV=off"           # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "ignoreRBLLookups=off"       # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "RBLInoculate=off"           # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "notifications=off"          # { on | off } -> default:off
AllowOverride enableBNR
AllowOverride enableWhitelist
AllowOverride fallbackDomain
AllowOverride ignoreGroups
AllowOverride ignoreRBLLookups
AllowOverride localStore
AllowOverride makeCorpus
AllowOverride optIn
AllowOverride optOut
AllowOverride optOutClamAV
AllowOverride processorBias
AllowOverride RBLInoculate
AllowOverride showFactors
AllowOverride signatureLocation
AllowOverride spamAction
AllowOverride spamSubject
AllowOverride statisticalSedation
AllowOverride storeFragments
AllowOverride tagNonspam
AllowOverride tagSpam
AllowOverride trainPristine
AllowOverride trainingMode
AllowOverride whitelistThreshold
AllowOverride dailyQuarantineSummary
AllowOverride notifications
IgnoreHeader Accept-Language
IgnoreHeader Authentication-Results
IgnoreHeader Content-Type
IgnoreHeader DKIM-Signature
IgnoreHeader Date
IgnoreHeader DomainKey-Signature
IgnoreHeader Importance
IgnoreHeader In-Reply-To
IgnoreHeader List-Archive
IgnoreHeader List-Help
IgnoreHeader List-Id
IgnoreHeader List-Post
IgnoreHeader List-Subscribe
IgnoreHeader List-Unsubscribe
IgnoreHeader Message-ID
IgnoreHeader Message-Id
IgnoreHeader Organization
IgnoreHeader Received
IgnoreHeader Received-SPF
IgnoreHeader References
IgnoreHeader Reply-To
IgnoreHeader Resent-Date
IgnoreHeader Resent-From
IgnoreHeader Thread-Index
IgnoreHeader Thread-Topic
IgnoreHeader User-Agent
IgnoreHeader X-policyd-weight
IgnoreHeader thread-index
PurgeSignature  off     # Specified in purge.sql
PurgeNeutral    90
PurgeUnused     off     # Specified in purge.sql
PurgeHapaxes    off     # Specified in purge.sql
PurgeHits1S     off     # Specified in purge.sql
PurgeHits1I     off     # Specified in purge.sql
SystemLog       on
UserLog         on
Opt out
ParseToHeaders on
ChangeModeOnParse on
ChangeUserOnParse full
MaxMessageSize 26214400
ServerPort              10033
ServerQueueSize         32
ServerPID               /var/run/dspam/
ServerMode auto
ServerParameters        "--deliver=innocent -d %u"
ServerIdent             "dspam.garault"
ProcessorURLContext on
ProcessorBias on
StripRcptDomain off
Include /etc/dspam/dspam.d/
PgSQLPort       5432
PgSQLUser       dspam
PgSQLPass       xxxxx
PgSQLDb         dspam_db

Thanks in advance.

PS: I still don't understand how Opt, OptIn and OptOut actually work so this post might go through the filter..

Christophe Garault

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