On May 23, 2008, at 2:57 PM, Adrian wrote:

> Nate, I disagree that sub channel data on air is buffered (where?)  
> until
> a transceiver is in RX mode. The transceiver hears real time activity.
> Sub channel TX can be buffered in the Comms prog until TX busy  
> status is
> off hence subsequent TX on a auto data send setup(not ptt) or buffered
> as in the the preferred D*chat(min line send characters) format to
> reduce the beeping by a listening unit.
> vk4tux

I think you missed what I meant, Adrian...

I'll set up the scenario:

- Station A is talking to Station B in voice.
- Station C and Station D are sending low-speed data back and forth,  
with no audio.
- Station C's rig buffers any data sent to it (or flow-control tells  
the software to not send after the rigs buffer is full) on its serial  
port, while Station A or B are transmitting and talking to each other.
- Same thing with Station D.

(Let's say they're text-chatting with D-Star Comms, D*Chat, or D-RATS  
and they're "typing ahead"... waiting for the channel to clear and  
hitting enter to send while the other guys are still talking.  The  
rigs will refuse to auto-transmit data if the channel busy light is  
activated.  We've also noticed that if the rig is receiving analog  
noise, the squelch settings must be tightened to clear the busy  
indication, or even the attenuator activated until the rig thinks the  
frequency is clear of both digital AND analog noise.)

So, in the above scenario... at each un-key of Station A and B,  
talking in voice... Stations C and D create a small "flurry" of  
channel activity that triggers a bunch of beeps if you have the beeps  
turned on, on your rigs.  (It's not ID-800H specific...)

Additionally stations with "Auto" send of GPS data turned on will also  
buffer during another station's transmissions and send as soon as the  
channel is clear, I think.

I was asking him if the beeps he's hearing are DEFINITELY while he's  
transmitting (in voice... he's Station A or B in this description) or  
if perhaps they're just RIGHT as he unkeys... that could be data  
flowing between two non-voice users, who are not participating in the  
conversation between Station A and Station B.  You can see their  
callsigns go by (rapidly if the data transmissions are short) right at  

(This is similar to what happens when you come in on the Dongle and  
KF0RW and W0CBI are playing with file transfers through the  
repeater... your voice transmission stops the "beeping" of my ID-800H  
and IC-91 of their data transmissions until their software times out  
the last block-transfer and starts again.  When no voice traffic is  
present, the ID-800H in the basement during these low-speed data file- 
transfer tests sounds like I invested in a sonar company.  Ping-ping,  
Ping-ping, Ping-ping... Heh.)

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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