D-STAR Field Day Participants,

With just over 24 hours before D-STAR Field Day begins, the excitement is 
growing. Everyone is thinking about what they need to pack. The generators have 
all had their oil changed and the games are about to begin.

A suggestion for reflector use. From what I've seen, the C modules on the 
reflectors are where a number of repeaters are linked full time. To keep from 
bothering these folks, why don't we try to stay away from the C module. And we 
probably ought to stay off of the non-North American Reflectors.

Suggested Reflector Usage

REF001A               Voice & Simultaneous Data
REF001B               Data Only
REF002A               Voice & Simultaneous Data
REF002B               Data Only
REF004A               Voice & Simultaneous Data
REF004B               Data Only

Simultaneous Data is those who are going for 3 point contacts, where they can 
type and talk at the same time.

If you've misplaced the D-STAR Field Day Rules or Update, you can download them 
at www.DSTARINFO.com<http://www.DSTARINFO.com>, there's even some sample logs.

Don't forget that D-STAR Field Day goes the entire 27 hour period, no matter 
when you start setup. Do some demonstrations before everyone else starts!


p.s. I'll be W4GR 7A GA and will probably hang around either of the REF002A or 
REF002B ports.

Good Luck in the Contest!

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