I am pleased to announce that Dstar Comms Version 1.1.1 is released!

New features include:

1) Network Node 

Dstar Comms can now act as a Multi-threaded TCP Server or TCP Client. 

While in HOST mode you can accept TCP connections from clients. Each clients 
pressence is made known in a users list both on the client and the host.

All connected clients will receive any chat data that the host receives and any 
chat data each client receives will be broadcasted to the server.

There is also an option to allow received text chat to be rebroadcasted via 
your connected radio. You do not have to have a radio to use this facility, you 
can simply connect to a HOST and text chat via the HOST.

Each HOST also has the ability to upload its current IP Address, Port, Country, 
Callsign and comments to a central location here: www.dstarcomms.com/nodes.asp

This is a live page and will be updated everytime a HOST becomes active 
(assuming the checkbox is ticked within dstarcomms). 

This feature is in its early stages and will be greatly enhanced as time goes 
on. Please feel free to let us know any requirements/enhancements for this 

2) PM Enhancements

3) GPS Tracker export to CSV 

4) Bugs/ Issues addressed

Please note that any users already on 1.1.0 can upgrade using the built in 
update feature.

1.0.106 users and below will need to visit www.dstarcomms.com to download the 
latest version.

The main feature for this release is the Network Node capability.  I welcome 
any feedback for this feature.  You can channel your feedback through the dstar 
comms forum or directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thankyou to you all for your continued support for dstar comms.



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