That darn connector!  Thanks a ton Barry for replying off list to help
with my confusion.  I still have some minor questions for the group:

Pin 3: Clone > CPU and
Pin 9: OPTV  > CPU 

What are they for in plain English?

Also (and yeah, I'm missing something very basic here):

Is pin 2 the PTT?  Grounding this pin TRANSMITS?

Thanks to all!

Gene  73 de NAØG

"Barry A. Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vajak,
>    Using the ICOM Data cable you can connect the ICOM 92AD to a
> but the discussion here has been having an ICOM connector for the radio
> capable to connect the data connection, microphone, and speaker at
the same
> time. ICOM did not wire all nine pins in their data cable!
>    So what I was trying to indicate there is a DB9 Standard for
> that standard is not the same as the pin out for the connector on
the radio.
> RS-232 standards(EIA-232) are defined by EIA/TIA (Electronic Industries
> Alliance /Telecommunications Industry Association). RS-232 defines
both the
> physical and electrical characteristics of the interface. The ICOM
pin out
> does not meet the standard. I was not saying there are not RS232 signals
> available… just that if you wire all the pins on the ICOM connector
to a DB9
> Serial Connector you're going to have problems and most likely
damage the
> radio. Is this an erroneous statement?
> RS-232 DB9 Pin Signal               ICOM Chassis 12 Pin 
> 1 DCD In Data Carrier Detect        1  Microphone
> 2 RxD In Receive Data               2  +5v
> 3 TxD Out Transmit Data             3  Clone à CPU
> 4 DTR Out Data Terminal Ready       4  RS232C RX232
> 5 GND - Ground                      5  RS232C TX232
> 6 DSR In Data Set Ready             6  Ground
> 7 RTS Out Request To Send           7  Speaker
> 8 CTS In Clear To Send              8  Ground
> 9 RI In Ring Indicator              9  OPTV à CPU
>                                     10 NC
>                                     11 NC
>                                     12 NC
> I yield to those that understand this better than I do… but I am not
> to wire a connector pin for pin on my radio to the RS232 Standard
DB9 and
> plug it into a computer until someone else proves it won't damage a
> See the attached chassis pin out for the ICOM radio and the DB9
> 73
> Barry

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