Please consider nominations for this award (technical innovation) from
within the DStar community for this award.  Nominations close March
31.  Nominate online:

The ARRL Technical Innovation Award is granted annually to the
licensed radio amateur or to individuals who are licensed radio
amateurs whose accomplishments and contributions are of the most
exemplary nature within the framework of technical research,
development and application of new ideas and future systems in the
context of Amateur Radio activities, including but not limited to:
* Increasing use and development of higher-speed modems and improved
packet radio protocols;
* Expanded use of personal computers in Amateur Radio applications;
* Increased efficiency in use of spectrum;
* Alleviation of long-standing technical problems, e.g., antenna
restriction, competition for spectrum, EMC;
* Digital voice experimentation;
* Improved portable and mobile communications capability through
Amateur satellite development;
* Increased use of solar, natural and alternative power sources for
field applications;
* Development of practical compressed video transmission systems;
* Spread-spectrum technology and applications; and
* Development of assistive/adaptive technology for disabled amateurs.

73 -- John

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