At 04:05 AM 3/9/2009, Gary Wilburn wrote:

>I was told that the W8BI D-Star DARA Dayton repeater as of this date is not
>fully functional but should be by Hamvention time.

This is NOT true. While not at a high site (yet), W8BI C is on 147.11 
and covers Dayton well. The 440 module has been tested. I suspect 
they will want to get to a higher site and get the 1.2 GHz stuff on, 
but they ARE covering the area, and yes, the Cinci machines are doing 
a great job into Dayton. There is perhaps a 15-20 mile gap in 
coverage between Dayton, and coverage from the KT7APR 443.625 machine 
in Lima, OH. We hope to fill the gap with an eventual repositioning 
of the KT7APR antenna in the next year, coupled perhaps with W8BI 
eventually increasing their coverage, and Lima getting 1.2 GHz on 
also. There has been a lot done just since the last Hamvention!


D-STAR in Lima, OH     KT7APR   443.625+

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