I've been trying to understand the usage of the UR field.  I understand that 
it's where you put the destination call sign.   But it's usage is a little 
vague and confusing.

For instance.  

1)   I have made calls locally, without changing from the default CQCQCQ.  When 
it putting something there mandatory, to complete a call?

2) And, there are times when a "/" is required in front of a repeater call 
sign.  When is the "/" mandatory and when it is not?  

3) And, is the module number necessary, in the UR field?

4) And, there are only 8 character field to deal with and some callsigns and 
port take all 8, if you count a slash.  Are there any combinations that exceed 
8 characters?

5) Say I was monitoring the D-Stars user list.  And say I saw someone in San 
Diego, using KI6KQU B.   If I want to make a call to that person, in say San 
Diego, would I put their callsign in the UR field or would I put the repeater 
callsign?  OR could I use either?  If I used the repeater, would I prefix it 
with a "/" or would I leave out the "/"?

Another Example:

I was told to set UR to UR:REF001CL (no slash), to connect to a reflector and 
just listen to what is going on.  Then change it to UR:        U (<- 8th 
position), to disconnect.  Is "C" the port number?  What is the "L"?

If I just wanted to listen in on the San Diego repeater, would I enter:
UR:KI6KQUBL and just key the mic or is there something else required to just 
monitor a specific repeater?

Eventually I will catch on to all of this.  Right now, the more I learn, the 
more questions I have.


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