On Apr 5, 2009, at 10:20 AM, Steve Bosshard wrote:

> Well, this gets more interesting. I just chatted with UR=JA4NYY -  
> Kohji is in the US Database with area and zone JP4YDUA and JP4YDU.  
> Many JA Dongle users have Area WB4HRO A and Zone WB4HRO . Not sure  
> what is taking place. Steve NU5D
Kinda sounds like a DB merge just happened... or JA just went to  
Gateway 2.0?  Nifty, whatever it is!

I haven't had a chance to go peek at the Icom Forums on the website  
yet, they're really convinced that's the way to disseminate info, but  
I dislike web forums, call me old-fashioned... but perhaps there's an  
announcement or something up over there (even though "we" are all over  
here... heh heh...)?

Anyway, cool stuff!

Nate Duehr

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