And if that's going to be "commonly done" during this Net, it would be good
to get the people on the C module to reverse that route and do the same
thing "back toward you", so the Net is heard on both modules. otherwise,
it'll sound like he's talking to himself to anyone only listening on the B
module (UHF).


Where it falls apart is if a user joins the Net in similar fashion from the
A module.


Another way would be to use the D-Plus "broadcast to all modules" mode. The
repeater callsign all by itself with no suffix.




If there's users on the A module who do NOT want to participate, or if
that's not how the Net wants to be run. both the routing from UHF to VHF,
and the "broadcast" route ideas will turn into more of a problem more than a
help, though.


Best solution -- get a better signal to the appropriate repeater, if the Net
is supposed to be VHF-only.  That latter part of that statement is a
"policy" question for those running the Net. if they don't mind you coming
in on the other bands, give either Keith's idea or mine a try. Keith's being
better if there's no A module or users who want to participate on the Net
from the A module.

Nate WY0X


From: []
On Behalf Of Keith Parker
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 3:17 PM
Subject: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: Repeater question


It's easier than you think, Edward.
set URCALL=/W8DIG^C (the VHF node where the net is)
set RPT1=W8DIG^^B (the UHF node you come in on)
set RPT2=W*DIG^^G (the gateway and Dongle users hear you)

you'll have to listen to node C to hear the net. But when it's your turn to
talk, switch channels to UHF memory channel speak your piece then switch
back to listen again. 

Just my opinion.
GL es 73
Keith AB8CL

--- In
<> , "Edward Raybould" <erayb...@...>
> I hope that this is an easy question to answer. I've looked but haven't
found the answer yet.
> When I'm on my local D-Star repeater, W8DIG in Columbus, Ohio, I set RPT1
to W8DIG^^C and RPT2 to W8DIG^^G. When I key up, am I also coming out on the
A and B ports, or do those ports have to be explicitly chosen in RPT2?
> The reason that I ask is that I live on the wrong side of town to reliably
hit the repeater with a vertical antenna. I would like to get a small UHF
beam to point towards the repeater. There's a Sunday evening net on port C,
and I would be coming in port B, but I would like to keep RPT2 set to the
gateway for the dongle users. I know that I can set RPT1 to the B port and
RPT2 to the C port, but that leaves out the dongle users. I will look at a
2-meter beam if using the gateway doesn't also cross-band me to all ports
(which if I had to guess would be correct). 
> 73,
> Ned Raybould

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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