On Jul 2, 2009, at 10:16 AM, Bob Witte K0NR wrote:
> We've got a local D-STAR 70 cm repeater on the air and I am looking
> at approaches to allow access via analog FM users.
> (This is probably a religious issue, so please chill :-)
> I would keep the FM transmissions local and not repeat them out on
> the network. The intent here is to provide a bridging strategy for
> those times when an FM rig happens to be available but a DV rig
> is not.
After you have read and considered:


> My intent is to have the D-STAR 70 cm repeater crossbanded to
> a 2 Meter simplex frequency. Before I re-invent the wheel,
> I want to find out what other folks have tried.
> 1. It seems that the ICOM D-STAR controller is not very flexible
> and it would be quite the hack to interface an FM rig into it.
> Let me know if you've found a reasonable way to do this.

There is no audio path in the the Icom D-STAR repeater or controller,  
so there is no simple interface for audio in or out of the D-STAR  
repeater. (D-STAR stays DIGITAL from end radio to end radio, so there  
was no need to include audio/AMBE in the repeater or controller,  
though I would have made a different design decision.)

> 2. My preferred approach at this time is to configure two
> transceivers back-to-back with a controller in between.
> One of the transceivers needs to be a DV rig.
> I found DJ0ABR's web page with some nice work there:
> http://www.dj0abr.de/index_english.html
The main concerns here would be to get a legal ID on the analog FM  
signal, in the US it only has to ID your (repeater) callsign (see: 
  ), and insuring that the D-STAR ID on the D-STAR side is setup  

UR: CQCQCQ  (or maybe something like FM RPT)
RPT1: KY1XYZ B  (whatever the repeater is)
RPT2: *Not Used* (be sure no "G"/Gateway is here as that would get  
into gateway and onto the D-STAR network)
MY: K0NR  (or maybe K0NR   R -- for repeater?)

You probably need to put this in the repeater segment on the FM side  
in light of the FCCs recent definition of a repeater ... 
> 3. The ID-880 has a packet port with a squelch line on it.
> Has anyone checked the behavior of this line in DV mode?
> Does it toggle in response to a decoded DV signal or what?
> This would be a convenient way to connect in but I fear that
> it might just be a carrier operated signal (which might
> still be workable).

I don't know for sure, but its probably COS.
> 4. Any other ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bob K0NR
> ,_._,___

John Hays
Amateur Radio: K7VE

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