Interesting.  Those folks there were "registered" on XTRUST below (yesterday) 
are now "registered" on DB0WZB.  DTERM, whatever that is, is still "registered" 
on XTRUST1.  Someone in D-land seems to be manipulating the database...

73 -- John

--- In, "john_ke5c" <k...@...> wrote:
> > Here's hoping some rogue Gateway Admin doesn't go nuts with the
> > blacklist checkboxes someday... or that there's a hidden way us
> > regular level Admins can't see to override such silliness...
> There already is some xcreative xgateway admin no doubt ...
> select ... from sync_mng where regist_rp_cs like 'XTRUST%';
>  target_cs | zonerp_cs | arearp_cs | pc_hostname | regist_rp_cs 
> -----------+-----------+-----------+-------------+--------------
>  DG1HT     | DM0HMB    | DM0HMB C  | dg1ht       | XTRUST  
>  DK7XD     | DM0HMB    | DM0HMB A  | dk7xd       | XTRUST  
>  DM5LW     | DM0HMB    | DM0HMB C  | dm5lw       | XTRUST  
>  DTERM     | DM0HMB    | DM0HMB C  | dterm       | XTRUST1 
> DM5LW is Peter from Burlington's Buddy, btw.
> (4 rows)
> 73 -- John

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