
On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 09:39 -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:
> > We (AF6IM and KF6WRW) have been keeping our toggles stowed until we
> > get to about 3000 ft. 
> If you pulled at 3000' MSL here, well... you'd be dead/underground!

1. Unlike pilots, skydivers always use AGL, not MSL. When we are headed
straight at the ground at 120 mph (or possibly a lot more depending on
body position), we really want to know how far away the ground is
without having to remember and subtract the ground elevation. Since we
almost always land at the same location we took off from, and are not in
the air long enough to worry about significant barometric pressure
changes, it makes sense to use AGL.

2. When Mark says "keeping our toggles stowed", he is not talking about
deploying the parachute.  The toggles are the steering controls.
Parachutes are packed with them locked partway down in order to improve
the deployment. Once the canopy is open, the jumper releases the toggles
to allow the canopy to go to full flight. Leaving them stowed will
result in slower flight and a lower descent rate, useful to give Mark
more time to play with the radio, as well as reducing wind noise that
the mic will pick up.


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