> It would be nice if I could set the beacon to operate on one memory so that I 
> could beacon off the gateway and then jump over to the gateway to talk

That's not possible because the GPS information processing occurs on the 
gateway computer.  Beaconing on another frequency would do you no good.  This 
may be a good time to quickly review how this flows:

1) Your GPS sends NEMA 0183 "sentences" to your ID-880.
2) Your ID-880 (when correctly set), parses the RMC and GGA type sentences and 
builds an APRS like packet with the GPS information. The ID-880 then inserts 
this APRS like packet into the low speed data subchannel when you transmit in 
DV mode.  If you transmit on a gateway RF frequency and have RPT2 set to a 
gateway call (you probably do), then...
3) A piece of software, dstarmon, runs on the gateway computer independent of 
the ICOM G2 gateway software and listens to the digital output stream of each 
band module decoding and extracting the low speed data stream.  Among the 
things it does with that data stream for each band module is pass it onto 
another piece of software, javaprssrvr.
4) Javaprssrvr parses the low speed data stream of a particular band module 
looking for valid APRS like packets. Once such a packet is found, javaprssrvr 
passes that packet to an "upstream APRS server" to insert it into the APRS IS 
(Internet Stream).
5) Findu or Jfindu or any APRS client can access the APRS IS and extract your 
position information from your APRS like packet.

Here's more about D-PRS by its author: http://www.aprs-is.net/DPRS.aspx

73 -- John

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