Hello ALL!

I just have to tell you that I have learned so much from this group. Thank
you for the wonderful information, questions, and answers, and little tips!
I am still a relatively new ham, and excited to be involved with DSTAR now.

I was in Bellingham, Washington over the weekend, and brought my radio
along, and learned a little something new, that I thought I would share with
the group. I had the frequency of the local DSTAR repeater, however, I did
not know the call sign, or anything else. When I dialed in the frequency on
my radio, the R1 and R2 populated itself with the proper call sign of the
repeater I was using. That was soooo cool!!! I had no idea that the radio
would do that! But that's not all!
I decided to try making a contact and was successfull! My friend's 7 year
old daughter was there when I made the QSO and thought ham radio was "even
cooler than her wii"!
What a statement! The Ham I spoke to, John, was wonderful! It was a short
QSO, but it was enjoyable making a contact while travelling.
Just wanted to share my success story.

Catrina White, MA, CI, CT
MFT Intern # 62345

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