At 06:43 PM 4/20/2010, David Holman wrote:
The other suggestion would be to set the DStar radios to auto detect and then have all the analog guys set a PL tone.

Hi, David,

I think I covered this in a previous reply, but I'll add two things:

Getting simplex users to all do something together is like herding cats.

Analog and digital live well together on P-25 repeaters, which are generally dual mode. The analog users depend on tone decode to keep from hearing the equally harsh P-25 digital sound. So the concept is solid. I just don't think you can apply it to simplex users.

Gary KN4AQ

ARVN: Amateur Radio//Video News
Gary Pearce KN4AQ
508 Spencer Crest Ct.
Cary, NC 27513

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