I have the U82 and when it is in DV mode the radio does not do the auto offset 
for the repeaters, check that...

--- On Tue, 5/25/10, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Quick Check of Repeater Frequency
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 1:22 PM

Is there a quick way to verify the input frequency of a D-STAR  Repeater? I am 
registered but have found conflicting frequencies listed. I am trying to find 
out if W3EOC Port C (70 cm) is on 445.006875 or 445.075  or 445.06875 have 
found these frequencies listed. I have an IC-U82, Yes I Know it's first 
generation, but have had the HT for a while and like it. I plan to use it for 
local  D-STAR.
And yes I Googled for information and that's why I ask. 

Thanks for your time,

Tom Kb3hg


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