Hi ALL, 

I just wanted to say a quick hello to you all and to introduce myself to the 

Im Steve EI2GYB located on the very north tip of Ireland near Malin Head in a 
town called Carndonagh.

I moved over from the UK in 2005 and love it over here.
I have joined the group as I am looking to setup a new repeater on 70-cms in 
the near future & its been said why not setup a D-Star node.

Well knowing nothing about D-star I thought this was a good starting point.

I still need a little convincing about D-star as so far its been a challenge to 
even get the DV Dongle working out of the box.

Its taken me a day to get it running but sill seem to have connection problems 
& loads of packet loss...

Is this the norm for D-Star?
Is there any different software available for the DV Dongle other that what is 
downloadable from the DV Dongle webpage?

Any way I think that enough questions for now 
Many thanks again for letting me be apart of the group & I hope I will gain the 
knowledge needed to eventually put up a node in the near future!

Many thanks

Steve EI2GYB

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