There's been a lot of discussion in this thread about D-Star itself,
but, unless I missed something, there's only been a passing mention of  To me, that's one of it's strong points. What other ham
radio system allows you find a list of what repeaters are active right
now and then join that conversation. That mechanism by itself makes
D-Star unique and uniquely useful. IRLP and Echolink can not do that.
With and a dongle, you're never more than about 60
seconds from a QSO. (On RF, it may take another minute to set up the
Bert Bruner


[] On Behalf Of n2vu911
        Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 8:06 AM
        Subject: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Please help me support D-Star ...

        Greetings to the group,

        My name is Donald ~ N2VU, and I'm in Warren County New York ...
the first to have D-Star in the area. I was on the fence about D-Star
for quite a while until 2 weeks ago and boy do I wish I got into it
sooner. I love it!


        I realize that there's another thread in this group about
negativity towards this new technology but what I'm asking for here is
for your comments and experiences with D-Star that I can incorporate
into the presentations I'd like to make with regards to the ways D-Star
is NOT redundant to Echolink or IRLP or anything else for that matter.
While sharing my excitement about D-Star with others in the area, aside
from the most common remark being that its way over priced, they're that
its another version of what's already out there.


        Since I haven't used either IRLP or Echolink, I cant speak from
experience with comparisons, so if those of you who have can tell me how
its not, I'd like to incorporate these facts into my "argument" - as  it
seems! In fact, I'd 

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