I suppose I would first send UR=XXNXX^^I     (^=blank character space and
XXNXX is the call sign of your local repeater - I must be in the 8th
character space) to see if your local repeater is already linked to
something.  You can't dplus link to 2 places at once so if linked you may
want to unlink - UR=^^^^^^^U - call sign is not needed to un-link - not all
systems allow users to link/unlink

Next link to another repeater set UR=XXNXX^AL to link to XXNXX module A -
far end must not already be linked to something.

Or link to a reflector UR=REFNNNAL  where NNN is the reflector number, A, B,
C is the 'time slot (for lack of a better term), and L requests a link.

If there is a conversation in progress you will NOT hear the far end if you
join mid stream of the transmission.  Once the transmission is finished, you
will hear the next transmission.  Linking happens quickly, but if there is a
lengthy transmssion, it may take a bit to hear the next transmission.

It is good etiquette for the folks wanting to link to listen for a bit after
linking to see of there is a conversation in progress and test the water.
You will not over ride the far end transmission.  For the folks on the far
end it is wise to keep transmissions short and leave plenty of time between
transmissions.  Also keep the contact  short - you may be going out on 5, 10
or 20 repeaters.  This is nothing new - just common repeater use courtesy.

For the station joining, before you jump in, can you add to the ongoing
conversation ?  Sometimes it is better to just listen.  When there is a 3
way or more it is very courteous to direct the next transmission to a
particular station, ie, "over to you John" etc, to reduce the chance of
doubling.  When you double, you may be heard on your local repeater, but
maybe not on the far end.  Digital does not seem to tolerate doubles very
well at all.

Finally - have fun and enjoy the contact - meet new people - share ideas,
etc. This is my take on operation, and as always, I may be completely wrong.
  73, steve nu5d

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 8:55 AM, kc9ony <kc9...@arrl.net> wrote:

> Still learning about D-Star here.   The other night, we tried linking
> into one of the popular reflectors.    We didn't hear anything,
NU5D - Nickel Under Five Dollars

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