

Funny. as you were posting this, I was changing my Data Speed to 9600 Baud.
Great minds think alike!


Now. if I can get the DVAR software to find the darn thing.








From: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com [mailto:dstar_digi...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of J. Moen
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:09 PM
To: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] NQSMHS with TM-D710A



I'm using Mark's NQSMHS board with a TM-D700A.  Works very well.  Here are
the D700A settings I'm using, which were passed onto me from Fred PA4YBR:

Settings in firmware:    TX Invert = OFF, RX Invert = OFF

Settings in radio:

MENU 1-9-6 (Radio -> AUX -> Data Speed) : 9600bps (default 1200)
MENU 1-3-6 (Radio -> TX/RX -> Wide/Narrow) : NARROW (default WIDE) [TM-D700E

Ignore anything about data modes or such.. that all uses the internal FSK
TNC (1200/9600) which is irrelevant here.


I'm sure you are using the same settings, and you've done the obvious and
adjusted the TX trimpot.


I'm curious where the antenna for your D710A is located relative to your
IC-80 antenna.  If your D710A antenna is outside, try going outside and see
if the R2D2 is still there.  Sometimes the various wires in the house can
result in multipath, and gmsk is very vulnerable to multipath.  On the
D700A, I ended up placing a switch between my outside antenna and a small
indoor antenna.  When indoors, I use that, and no more R2D2.


Wish I could be of more help.


   Jim - K6JM


----- Original Message ----- 

From: Mike Besemer (WM4B) <mailto:mwbese...@cox.net>  

To: gmsk_dv_n...@yahoogroups.com ; dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 5:15 PM

Subject: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] NQSMHS with TM-D710A  

Anybody using the above combination? I got my NQSMHS build over the weekend
and tried getting things running today but cannot get rid of
the R2D2 on Echotest.

I've been the full range of adjustment on the data terminal input and output
levels via the MCP-2A software and have carefully adjusted the
RX and TX pots at each setting, but still get far too much R2D2. RF Read is

The NQSMHS is interfaced to the rigs data terminal (9600 baud input) and the
rig is running NFM mode on 2 meters. I'm transmitting to it
with an IC-80.

Any thoughts?

On a related note, I tried running the DVAR Hot Spot software to see if I
could listen to some traffic and adjust things further, but the
software says the GMSK modem is disabled? Didn't get a chance to
troubleshoot that much, but thought I'd toss it out there with my other


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