
Well, it's kind of a Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor tendency I have. I did, however look at the Icom specs for the gateway system and it says 2.4 GHz and 512 MB, so I'm not even an order of magnitude over that, which would be the "Tim" thing to do. I also considered fan-less 12V computer boards, but for what I paid for these systems, I couldn't buy a new one of those boards.

The nice thing about this system is that it has redundant supplies, BIOS, drive array, fans, and so on so it shouldn't go down with common failures. It also has integrated lights-out management, so I can can talk to it over the network even when it's shut down to restart it, reboot, or diagnose problems remotely. The other nice thing is that they show up regularly on E-Bay at prices less than a cheap PC at Walmart. (It's a DL385 G1.)

If nothing else, I could chew up some CPU cycles doing s...@home or some such thing, but the IRLP computer did end up with a bunch of things running on it also, and I suspect this will be the same.

I even thought of installing VMWare on it and running both the D-Star gateway and IRLP in separate virtual machines, but I'd have to get more memory in it to do that well.


On 9/2/2010 4:50 PM, Gary wrote:


Since you have it lying around, and don't mind the power bill, might as well use it!

I thought about using a ml350g2 I had, but wanted something that would run on 12v, have no moving parts, and use less power than the radios!

We have a couple minor utilities running, the only thing that we had an issue with is the GUI (David indicated it kept trying to mount the GMSK board as a drive).

We really haven't used it for anything else, and have no plans to, with the exception of putting a real SSL cert so users no longer have to deal with the warnings.



WG2MSK repeater

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