Hmmm....Something is certainly wrong. 11 writes at 137k - 275k seconds
(which is where your 1.5M seconds sum is coming from) is bogus.

What version of Solaris is this ('uname -a' and 'cat /etc/release')?

Your running this on an NFS server, right (not client)?

Is this a benchmark? I ask because the file names (file1, file2, etc)
seem like names used in synthetic benchmarks.

I need to take a closer look at the code and figure out how to chase
this. Either there's a bug somewhere, or we're missing something.


Marcelo Leal wrote:
> Hello Jim!
>  Actually i can repeat it... every time i did run some d script to collect 
> some data i got some (how do you call it? nasty :) values. Look:
> Fri Dec  5 10:19:32 BRST 2008
> Fri Dec  5 10:29:34 BRST 2008
> NFSv3 read/write distributions (us):
>   read
>            value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
>                2 |                                         0
>                4 |                                         1092
>                8 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                        93773
>               16 |@@@@@@@@@@@@                             64481
>               32 |@@                                       11713
>               64 |@                                        7590
>              128 |                                         1156
>              256 |                                         698
>              512 |                                         1394
>             1024 |                                         1729
>             2048 |                                         805
>             4096 |@                                        2732
>             8192 |@@@                                      14893
>            16384 |@@                                       9351
>            32768 |@                                        2988
>            65536 |                                         647
>           131072 |                                         119
>           262144 |                                         29
>           524288 |                                         30
>          1048576 |                                         28
>          2097152 |                                         0
>   write
>            value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
>               64 |                                         0
>              128 |                                         8
>              256 |                                         2418
>              512 |@@@                                      22679
>             1024 |@@@@                                     28442
>             2048 |@@@@@@@@                                 59887
>             4096 |@@@@@@@@@                                68852
>             8192 |@@@@@@@@@                                65152
>            16384 |@@@@                                     32224
>            32768 |@@                                       11554
>            65536 |                                         3162
>           131072 |                                         1100
>           262144 |                                         446
>           524288 |                                         105
>          1048576 |                                         70
>          2097152 |                                         11
>          4194304 |                                         0
>          8388608 |                                         0
>         16777216 |                                         0
>         33554432 |                                         0
>         67108864 |                                         0
>        134217728 |                                         0
>        268435456 |                                         0
>        536870912 |                                         0
>       1073741824 |                                         0
>       2147483648 |                                         0
>       4294967296 |                                         0
>       8589934592 |                                         0
>      17179869184 |                                         0
>      34359738368 |                                         0
>      68719476736 |                                         0
>     137438953472 |                                         11
>     274877906944 |                                         0
> NFSv3 read/write by host (total us):
>   x.16.0.x                                                   4707246
>   x.16.0.x                                                  28397213
>   x.16.0.x                                                  40901275
>   x.16.0.x                                                  68333664
>   x.16.0.x                                                  89357734
>   x.16.0.x                                                 125890329
>   x.16.0.x                                                 127848295
>   x.16.0.x                                                 132248305
>   x.16.0.x                                                 135161278
>   x.16.0.x                                                 138579146
>   x.16.0.x                                                 146275507
>   x.16.0.x                                                 156761509
>   x.16.0.x                                                 566154684
>   x.16.0.x                                              185948455950
>   x.16.0.x                                              186184056503
>   x.16.0.x                                              186341816343
>   x.16.0.x                                            1488962592532
> NFSv3 read/write top 10 files (total us):
>   /teste/file1                   57817807
>   /teste/file2                   86992245
>   /teste/file3                   88067060
>   /teste/file4                  142504373
>   /teste/file5                  145614654
>   /teste/file6                  466775546
>   /teste/file7               185926369502
>   /teste/file8               186067714003
>   /teste/file9               186225030949
>   /teste/file10              1488951602463
> ---------- cut here ---------------
> ps: If you did think "one" was bad, what do you think about "eleven" in the 
> range:
>  137438953472 -> 274877906944 ?
>  Thanks a lot for your help Jim.
>  Leal.
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