On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:28:22AM +0800, Jason Zhao wrote:
> It seems like the 64-bit address not only depends on
> shell type, but also depends on utilities(commands)
> you run.

The address size depends on the binary type of the program being run by
the process you're looking at.

Most utilities in /usr/bin are 32-bit programs only, with some having
/usr/bin/amd64 and /usr/bin/sparv9 variants.  Those utilities are there
for a reason.  ls(1) has a 64-bit variant because time_t is larger in
64-bit and ls(1) deals with dates.  And so on.

> I run "/usr/bin/ls" got 32-bit, but "/usr/bin/amd64/ls"
> got 64-bit address. Is that because 32-bit application
> map to memory with 32-bit address? How the address
> space is mapped out for a 64 bit application and for
> 32-bit application?

ls(1) is also special in that by default you get the 32-bit version --
you have to explicitly run the 64-bit version if you want that version.

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