Sorry, I made an error in the code I sent: copyinstr(self->argsPtr->path) 
should be copyinstr(self->path). The old code was left over from me playing 
with the FBT provider instead.

----- Original Message -----
Date: Monday, June 1, 2009 11:57 am
Subject: garbled arguments with syscall provider.

> Hello all,
>    I'm currently doing undergraduate research using dtrace at the 
> University of Wisconsin-Madison, and I had a question concerning 
> DTrace on Leopard. If the non-Solaris-oriented nature of the question 
> makes this inappropriate for this list, then I apologize. 
> I have been using the syscall provider to obtain info about IO, and in 
> nearly all cases it works correctly. For one particular syscall 
> (open_nocancel)  (and I realize this is almost definitely OS 
> dependent), I get a garbage string for arg0, which baffles me, as arg0 
> should be the pathname for the open call.
> My code looks like this:
> syscall::open_nocancel:entry
> {
>         this->now = timestamp - timeZero;
>         printf("at %d nsecs %s called %s ", this->now, execname, probefunc);
>         self->path = arg0;
> }
> syscall::open_nocancel:return
> {
>         printf("with filename:%s and file descriptor %d\n", 
> copyinstr(self->path), arg1);
>         fileNames[arg0] = copyinstr(self->argsPtr->path);
> }
> I've considered the option that arg0 is not what I think it is, but 
> when I ran this piece of C code:
> int fd = syscall(SYS_open_nocancel, "foo.txt", O_RDWR| O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
> It behaves exactly like a call to open, leading me to believe (perhaps 
> erroneously) that the arguments should be the same.
> Essentially I was wondering two things that would help me understand 
> this. First, I was wondering how the syscall provider obtains the 
> arguments that correspond to arg0, arg1, ... argN, as I have been 
> unable to locate this in the documentation, and also if it could be 
> the case that a memory location referenced by a syscall argument could 
> be manipulated between the time at which the entry and the return 
> probes fire. Again, these are probably more OS implementation related 
> questions than DTrace questions and may be inappropriate for this 
> mailing list. Thank you very much for your time and patience,
>    Michael Vaughn
dtrace-discuss mailing list

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