On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 04:42:11PM +0200, Ryan Johnson wrote:
>    Ah, but I am... that was the way for my app to tell dtrace it wants the
>    latest stats... the question was how to get the answer back since I can't
>    copyout() the aggregation's value.
>    DTrace isn't "controlling" the process, though, at least not by the
>    pid-grabbing-proc-locking-debugger-excluding definition. Is it controlling
>    a process that requires cleanup or use of the pid provider? If it's only
>    the latter, what happens if the dtrace consumer and the process being
>    traced are the same? A not-clean process exit would take both the consumer
>    and the process with, so unless there's stuff to clean up in the kernel...

Why not make your application link against libdtrace?  Why all the additional

- jonathan

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