On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Robert Alatalo<robert.alat...@sun.com> wrote:
>        We are getting a string of output:
> dtrace: script '/usr/local/bin/uadmin.d' matched 2 probes
> dtrace: allowing destructive actions
> CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
> 258   8063                     uadmin:entry   I am not root
> 258   8063                     uadmin:entry   I am not root
>        I thought that the ID should be a PID, but
> # ps -ef|grep 8063
> <<dores not find it>>

The ID is the probe ID, not the process ID.  If you want the process
ID, try, "trace(pid)".  Or some variant of printf() where you
explicitly access the pid variable.

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